Low limit omaha
How to play Low limit omaha
- Type: Player vs Player
- Players: 2 - 10
- Cards: One 52 card deck
- Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult
An Omaha hand
Played similarly to Texas Hold’em, the main differences being the dealer will deal each player at the table four cards, five community cards are then dealt. The highest and lowest hands split the pot. The winning hand must contain two pockets cards and 3 community cards. Players can qualify for both the high hand and low hand simultaneously depending on the rest of the players hands.
The goal of Omaha is to compete against the other players for a pot of money provided by the players themselves.
OMAHA PRO TIP: Omaha gets easier with practice. Don’t get frustrated and try to follow the flow of the game, but be careful with your tells!
Players bet before the deal begins, placing their bets in front of them in the designated betting areas.
Big Blind/Little Blind: A forced bet before the round begins, the big blind is equal to the minimum bet and the little blind is equal to half the big blind. The player to the left of the dealers chip must pay the little blind and the person to their immediate left will pay the big blind. After the cards are dealt the next player to the left of the big blind begins the round.